How to Navigate Modernity through Rediscovering the Knowledge of the Past.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Field of Free Flowers

Sometimes I just walk around looking at flowers.
There was a time in my life when I didn't get the magic of them.
Flowers?!? I thought, who wants flowers when there are fruits and vegetables to be had?

There is however, something about cut flowers, potted flowers, that seem controlled and crude. What is better than a field of free flowers?

I'm really at a loss with life right now. Seriously. Every one around me seems to have it all figured out...and I just can't believe how CRAZY it all is.

I know what I want to do. I want the freedom to move about! And in a way...I have all that I need, I mean, I do have a pair of legs, right?

How come no one talks about the fact that modern-day capitalism is just a new kind of slavery? How come every one seems so satisfied??? Except me????

I am not mondaytuesdaywednesdaythursdayfridaysaturdaysunday kind of woman.

I don't want to look at clocks.

All I want to do is walk. Freely. With no one, no thing, to answer to. Not the bill collectors. No expectations from anyone. All I want to do is create. Freely.

What ever happened to freedom?
What ever happened to freedom?
What ever happened to freedom?

the lab

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